Prospects and Challenges of Offset Printing Industry from the Viewpoint of Graphic Designers in Bangladesh

Mohammad Ferdous Khan Shawon

Part-Time Teacher, Department of Graphic Design
University of Dhaka.


Offset is used to describe a method of printing in which an inked image is put onto a metal plate, then onto a rubber blanket and only then onto a paper surface. Offset printing is a sophisticated printing technology that has gained wider currency across the world and this equipment is commonly applied today. It maintains quality while producing printed materials like books, magazines, newspapers, business cards, letterheads, posters, leaflets, calendars, catalogues and similar stuff. According to data collected from different sources, an estimated 6,500 offset printing presses are currently operating in Bangladesh, with mostly based in Dhaka. Most of the offset printing houses are in Dhaka city’s Naya Paltan, Bangla Bazar, Fakirapool, Kataban and Nilkhet neighbourhoods. As many as 300,000 people are directly involved with this vital work of printing different materials. Graphic Designers are the heart of the press as they are inextricably linked with printing activities. Offset printing presses have to follow certain steps and processes to get the work done perfectly. In this skeletal but seminal study, the researcher has endeavoured with due diligence to identify the challenges and explore the prospects of the offset printing industry.


prospects, challenges, offset printing, printing press, graphic designer


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